Thursday, August 29, 2013

Charts, Charts, Charts

Charts, Charts, Charts (Sang to Three Blind Mice)
Charts, Charts, Charts
See How They Go
See How They Go
Use them with your class each day
They will make a difference everyday
This isn't an advertisement and I don't get paid.
But, I like Charts.

Ok, I know, it's corny, but it's true.  Anchor charts rock.  Check out these terrific charts, made by some fabulous teachers.  It is the beginning of the year and most of us are busy teaching our students how to choose the "just right" book.  Using I-Pick method, is a good reminder of teaching children how to select their just right book. Check out the videos that have been made to introduce the concept of picking a book. 
Thanks to Mrs. Kuieck's class.  Great job students!

Here is one for older students.  These fifth grades students from Mrs. Jernigans 5th grade class rocked it out and will motive other fifth graders to pick a good book to read.

This creative anchor chart is from Mrs. Meachams awesome blog; "Classroom Snapshots." I think this would be great for older students.  You could even have a volunter to make it for you.

Over at First Grade Fresh, Mrs. Simoneaux, has a great idea for her little ones, add picture cues for beginning readers.

If you have a great chart you would like me to feature, just send me an email!  Thanks for stopping by and thank YOU for being a totally incredible teacher!!!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Another Day, Another Great Chart

During this time of the school year our elementary students are learning about Just Right Books.  It's a new trendy term that has seem to have caught on and gained momentum.  A just right book is a book at your students level after you have completed a running record or benchmarked your child's reading ability and assigned a reading level.  The days are long gone where only the basal is used and every child reads the same book.  I'm sorry to report, they will not be having fun with Dick and Jane, or see Spot Run.  We have moved on to bigger and better things. I think?

The poster above is from the web, and I am not sure who to give credit to (if it is yours, let me know), but it has a great illustration to show students how to mak a good book choice.  I think if you have a theme in your classroom, you could even relate it to the theme.  If you have one, shoot me a photo and your blog, and I will feature it on our site. 

Here are a few more great Just Right Book Charts.  Check out the blogs they come from, I am positive you will find more great charts and ideas too. 

Second grade blog Mandy's Tips for Teachers had this cute chart. I love how it looks like the bike rider is flying down the hill because it is so easy.  Students can really relate to that.
Who doesn't remember Goldilocks and the Three Bears?  I always wanted to be Baby Bears friend.  He always was so cute and seemed so nice.  Hey, we can dream!  Well, Mrs. Parker has taken her anchor chart to the next level by incorporating our old friend Goldie Locks. Check out her blog, you can even purchase some great things from her TPT store.